
Saturday 28 December 2013

Quilled Letter M and Gradation Swirl Tutorial

Yesterday I posted my quilled LOVE on facebook too. And I got a request, or you can say a challenge, from mbak Miya to make an inisial of her name : MO.
And I just finished the M one. Different from the last project, I used a 120gr/m2 as the frame (the last project I used 80gsm paper strip). It's become easier to shape the letter.
And.. here is the tutorial of how to make a gradation swirl on your quilling  :
(Cara membuat swirl bergradasi pada quilling paper)

Put some colors together like the picture below, I suggest to arrange the paper to : darkest color - lightest color - medium color, in order to give a special gradation effect. Then, roll or quil it together. To make a layers, give a gap for each quilled paper from the others.

(In Bahasa : Letakkan beberapa kertas seperti gambar di bawah ini. Saya sarankan untuk mengurutkan kertas dari yang : paling gelap - paling terang - dan yang sedang. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi efek gradasi yang tidak biasa, agar warna 'sedang' tidak mati. Kemudian, gulung bersama-sama menggunakan quilling needle. Untuk membuat layer, renggangkan hasil gulungan tadi)

The result are contain in the section marked in a picture below.
(Hasilnya terdapat pada bagian yang ditandai, pada gambar di bawah ini)

Well, that's the tutorial and the result. What do you think? Is it beautiful or so-so or bad? Please kindly write your opinion, criticism, or suggestion in a commend field. I need your opinion to make a better quilled paper. Thank you and happy quilling, guys!


  1. M nya aja uda bagus :D :D huahahha numpang eksis nih aku di blog mu :3
    makasih banyak lho dekkk :D :D

  2. cantik kombinasi warnanya Sella...trims tutorialnya

  3. oh ya,kertasyg 120 gram tu namanya kertas apa sist, belinya dimana ya, sy dah lama nyari.terimakasih


    1. saya sih beli di deket rumah, bilangnya beli buffalo tp kok dikasih yg agak tipis gitu. kira2 segitu beratnya. setau saya kertas Concord yg paling tipis itu 120 gsm atau 120 gr/m2, Insya Allah ada di Gramedia, bagian art paper.
