
Saturday 3 August 2013

Paper Quilling - Princess Belle

Hey friends, about two days ago I've finished another quilled paper craft for one of my best friend, Adzhani. She loves Princess Belle so much, so I decided to make Belle on quilled paper. When I show her, she told me that it's perfecto. I am so glad to hear that since it's my first quiet-complex project : quilled paper with some ornament such as punch-out and also ribbon. Well, here are the result, what do you think? I am very happy to know your opinion, so give me a little comment ^^, thanks :)

Belle on paper quilled

Paper Quilling of Princess Belle


  1. assalamu'alaikum..salam kenal sella. quillingnya cantik..(

    1. Waalaikumsalam, hehe makasih. barusan lihat blognya ibu, lucu2 banget karyanya.. keep quilling!
