
Saturday 13 April 2013

Young Engineers and Scientists Summit 2013

"Be a change maker!"
hey folks! I'll introduce one of the super cool event this year. Yes, it is YES Summit!
If you're a collage student of engineering or scientist department, you MUST join this super event.
YES Summit is the first engineering and scientist summit in Indonesia. The participant of this event are 150 best students from many Institute and University in Indonesia, while the speakers are inspirational and successful person in engineering and scientist field such as Ilham Akbar Habibie, Rhenald Kasali, Hatta Rajasa, Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, and many more.

Just write a problem in your district on a form of paper. The problem itself can be the one of the three problem clusters : Energy, Urban Living and Environment, and IT and digital service.

This event will be held in 4 days on May 9-12 at Surabaya. We are waiting your paper and your contribution for this Nation until April 21st.
More information just click

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